Monday, 22 September 2008

Shrimp Fishery Business: Angel or Evil.

This is the question we have related this kind of business actually. Why do we ask this question to this type of business? The answer is too obvious to give as all of us have already know that unregulated shrimp fishery business will cause disaster to the environment, especially mangroves environment. If we see mangroves forest in most areas in Indonesia, a plenty of it have gone as the result of unregulated or uncontrolled shrimp fishery business. Either it is in Java Island as a densely populated island of the country or in outside Java Islands which are still having a scarcely populatio, the condition of the environment that relate to the mangroves is still an unhappy news to those who have a great concern to the environment or sustainable development. This is the issue or the problem that we should solve together in order to get or to save mangroves from depletion or destruction. Every effot to replant it should be supported as this has also been done in certain area in the South Celebes. We name Pak Toyib who has initiate this effort to replant mangroves at Tongke-Tongke, a village close to Sinjai- the capital city of a regency in South Celebes Province. He had been given the Kalpataru Award for his effort to do this thing and bring a good name to the village for being a good village or village that has concern to the environment. Go back to the shrimp fishery business itself, could we call it as angel or evil, it does depends on the context where we perceive it. If we perceive it from the environmental interest point of view, we can say that this business is almost an evil to the environment. The evidence is clear as we can see from the case of Paojepe Beach in the former post of this blog. However, if we perceive shrimp fishery business from the perspective of business interest, it is actually an angel, and especially an angel to prosper the economy of the country through making it as export commodities.

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