Saturday, 29 November 2008

Fishpond Rehabilitation: Is that one of the solution?

Is this idea become a new solution to the problem of deforerstation of mangrove trees along the beach? To reduce the number of mangroves being cut by people, it is necessary if we are not expanding the fishpond activities through mangroves cutting. The one solution is to use the old fishpond that was sometimes abandoned by its user when it was not fertile anymore to do shrimp fishery business in there. However, this effort will require experienced people to do it as well as more money resources required. In some deforested mangroves area, fishpond rehabilitation should become more popular than increasing to open new fishpond landlot and deforesting more mangrove trees. There is example where mangroves is still untouchable by human hands and naturally and wildly grow in its environment. The example of this can bee seen from Papua, another island in Indonesia besides Celebes or Sulawesi. In Papua mangroves may reach 8 to 10 metres for its height and still difficult to touch because they grow and live in the wild swamp areas where crocodiles and malaria musquitos still abundant.