Thursday, 8 May 2008

Mangroves Forest that Still Exist

These mangroves are still exist on the beach as the result of people awaraness about the importance of the greenbelt as a safety belt to the land behind the beach area. There are three important interests of the stakeholders that causing either the beach areas could still be conserved or not. This is called as stakeholders interests to the cultivation of beach land areas, including mangrove trees. Three important stakholders here are the capital owner of shrimp or fisheries business and its workers, the government, and fishermen society who live in beach areas. Capital owners and their workers need to increase or to gain high profit from the business, while the government on the other side has interest to protect the environment while promoting a favorable or conducive business environment. On this position government has a middle position or contradictive position, whereas they should create a good economic growth on the one side and on the other hand government should also play the role in saving and protecting the beach environment for future generation and fishermen society who currently live in the beach areas. Meanwhile fishermen society in the beach areas also need to have a good lving condition and environment and free from pollution of chemical disposals or from another substance that could harm their lives. Meeting point for all of the interest of these three stakholders on the beach areas are not very easy as the economic interest is not always inline or agree with social or environmental interest. The three parties should sit together to talk about saving and preserving beach environment from disaster and destruction.

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